Immunotherapy for seasonal allergies
It’s not just your nose that gets irritated by pollen. Your entire body is also affected by the microscopic bits of grass or tree that cause your allergy symptoms. When you encounter these particles, your immune system creates antibodies. These antibodies release histamine, which produces a variety of allergy symptoms.
Even a brief exposure to these allergens can make you sneeze, have watery eyes, and feel tired for the rest of the day. Some seasonal allergens are outdoors, like tree pollen, while others, like mold and pet dander, are more likely to bother you indoors.

Common Seasonal Allergy Symptoms
The symptoms of seasonal allergies include:
● Coughing or throat irritation
● Ear congestion or ear canal itchiness
● Fatigue
● Headache
● Itchy, runny or congested nose
● Postnasal drip
● Sinus congestion, pressure or pain
● Shortness of breath
● Skin rashes, itchiness or redness
● Sneezing
● Watery, puffy or itchy eyes
● Wheezing
Allergies and colds can make you feel sick and miserable. In some cases, they can resemble sinus infections, or even lead to pneumonia.
Seasonal Allergy At-Home Remedies
Allergy sufferers can find relief through effective home remedies. This includes using an air cleaner and avoiding allergens.
● Get plenty of sleep: Sleep and relaxation balance your body’s immune response, which is essential when your body is overreacting to irritants.
● Take a shower: Wash away all the allergens you might have picked up during the day.
● Limit your exposure to allergens: If you know what causes your seasonal allergies, do your best to avoid these triggers. Stay indoors on dry, windy days, don’t hang laundry outside and remove clothing you’ve worn outdoors as soon as possible. If you must be outside, wearing a pollen mask over your nose and mouth can prevent you from breathing in allergens.
● Keep your indoor air clean: Removing any allergens from your home will help you avoid severe symptoms. Turn on your air conditioning, use high-efficiency air filters and keep air dry with a dehumidifier.
● Take over-the-counter medications: Decongestants, nasal spray, oral antihistamines and combination medications can all prevent or relieve seasonal allergy symptoms.
What is the mechanism of action of Inhalation Therapy for allergies?
Sometimes home remedies are ineffective against your allergy symptoms. You may need an IV solution to flush out the allergens and deliver nutrients to boost your immune system. A good seasonal allergy relief option is IV fluid therapy.
Here are the ingredients in the IV treatment for seasonal allergies: It reduces symptoms and improves well-being.
● Vitamin B12: As your body fights the irritants causing your seasonal allergies, it will use up your body’s vitamin B supply, making your symptoms worse. Vitamin B12 reduces symptoms like runny noses, congestion and sneezing.
● B complex: Also called vitamin B6 or folate, the B complex decreases your seasonal allergies’ severity by regulating inflammation and repressing allergy symptoms. It supports an overworked immune system and reduces mucus buildup and throat constriction.
● Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine that prevents your body from releasing histamine. When it encounters histamines, Vitamin C breaks them down faster. As a result, your seasonal allergy symptoms will decrease.
● Glutathione: Glutathione is an antioxidant that repairs tissue and makes the chemicals and proteins your immune system needs. It reduces your body’s oxidative stress, which can reduce your chances of disease.
● Magnesium: This mineral is a natural antihistamine, so it reduces your body’s histamine levels. Magnesium has a calming effect on the body and the bronchial tube in your lungs. It relieves your airways to alleviate symptoms like a constricted throat and shortness of breath.
● Saline: As your body tries to flush out the irritants, you’ll lose fluids through symptoms like watery eyes and a runny nose. You can feel dehydrated as a result. The IV fluid has a 100% absorption rate and provides quick results.
● Zinc: Zinc maintains immune system health by improving your white blood cells’ function and balancing your immune response. Stress can worsen allergy symptoms, and zinc’s antidepressant effects help regulate your stress.
How should I choose between two different IV packages?
The best treatments for alleviating seasonal allergies are the Myers’ Cocktail or Immune System Support IV packages.
Myers’ Cocktail
The Myers’ Cocktail IV package contains a combination of fluids, nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants that will promote rejuvenation, maintain wellness, and alleviate the symptoms of acute or chronic illnesses and diseases. As a result, you will gain:
● A more robust immune system.
● Fewer to no seasonal allergy symptoms.
● Restored body balance.
● Full-body hydration.
The Myers’ Cocktail for Allergies consists of intravenous fluids, magnesium, vitamin B complex, B12, and vitamin C. The IV therapy for allergies boosts the concentration of these vitamins and minerals in the blood stream, quickly reducing inflammation and irritation associated with seasonal allergies. Vitamin C supports the immune system, while the B12 and B complex vitamins reduce fatigue and speed metabolism.
Immune System Support
Immune System Support IV provides hydration, antioxidants, nutrients and vitamins to boost your immune system. It will also help with seasonal allergy symptom relief. It will:
● Improve your body’s hydration.
● Remove toxins from your body.
● Control inflammation.
● Keep your systems functioning correctly.
The vitamins in this IV therapy package are designed to help your body’s immune system as well as boost your natural defense mechanisms. It helps build your white blood cells, vitamin B12 increases your white blood cell count, and zinc boosts the functions of your white blood cells. This will help you fight off your allergy symptoms and quickly respond to them.
Schedule an IV drip for seasonal allergies using a mobile nurse.
Get relief from your seasonal allergies with Elevate Hydration. We provide convenient IV therapy to alleviate the symptoms of conditions like seasonal allergies and help you feel better right away.
Our allergy and immune system support packages have all the ingredients necessary to reduce or eliminate your symptoms. The IV is virtually painless, and you will soon feel like yourself again.