IV therapy is a natural treatment for a healthy lifestyle. It gives you the opportunity to restore yourself with nutrients and replenish your body with water. The natural isotonic solutions are all-natural and administered by experienced Registered Nurses in a safe environment. IV therapy is beneficial for those who want to feel better, improve their muscle recovery, and boost their stamina. Many people ask whether they should do IV therapy regularly or once in a while. We’ll discuss.

To learn more about the most effective frequency of giving hydrating IV therapy, we’ll review the concept of IV therapy and learn why you might want to use it. In brief, intravenous (IV) therapy is receiving a hydrating solution via an IV catheter. This procedure is usually done by trained nurses who follow the best practices. It can involve adding vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients to a saline or electrolyte filled solution. This helps maintain proper hydration and promote general health.
The process is a painless, fast-acting injection. Because the nutrients are injected directly into your bloodstream, they are absorbed quickly and effectively. Since the nutrients enter your bloodstream directly, they’re able to reach your organs and cells, where they can be used. By using IV therapy, the bioavailability rate of nutrients is high, typically about 90%. By comparison, the bioavailability rate of oral vitamins is generally around 20%.
The primary reason people receive IV therapy is to maintain good overall health. If you’re not consuming adequate nutrients and getting plenty of fluids on a daily basis, you won’t be healthy. In fact, when this lack of proper nutrition and hydration becomes a regular part of your life, it will soon impact your health and cause chronic conditions such as headaches, skin problems, and other conditions.
Unfortunately, the statistics show that a large percentage of people don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables to provide their bodies with the continuous supply of nutrients they need. This makes people more susceptible to the health problems associated with deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals. For this reason, even though intravenous therapies are marketed as “a bonus” to relieve acute conditions like a hangover or the symptoms of temporary illness, they provide more need than a luxury.
While IV therapy can be very helpful, it is important to determine if you need to receive it. If you want to gain weight or eat more foods that are difficult to consume orally, it might be necessary to receive IV therapy. If you want to receive intravenous nutrients to treat certain conditions or medical conditions, you may need to receive IV therapy. You can also choose to receive IV therapy if you want to provide your body with nutrients that are more difficult to obtain through food.
While IV therapy is appropriate for some people to promote their overall health, the infusion schedule should be the same every two weeks. With the enhanced nutrients supplied by IV therapy, patients usually benefit from it for two weeks after an infusion. Specialized patients may require weekly IV therapy, but this is not a standard practice for most people.
And if you need or want IV therapy because you want to elevate your health and overall feelings of wellness, a once-in-a-while appointment for self-care is okay, too! While there is much to be gained by receiving regular IV therapy to ensure that you’re always nourished and hydrated, many people also make it part of their semi-regular self-care routine and use it whenever they want a boost.
Elevate Hydration is a mobile IV therapy service that takes pride in providing the highest quality IVs and best level of care. Our staff will make sure that you are hydrated with a super-hydrating IV drip that is full of nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants. Give us a call today to book your IV!